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    a container for water with a handle and a long tube used for pouring water onto garden plants
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  • ROSE
    a circular object with small holes in it that is put on the end of a watering can (= a container used for pouring water on plants)
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  • I thought the SKETCH ABOUT celebrity chefs was really funny.
    A short written o spoken story that does not hv many details/ A short, humorous part f a longer show on stage, TV, o radio
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  • My mother made a (pencil) SKETCH OF my brother reading a book=> The art students were told to SKETCH the landscape. When I have some spare time, I like to SKETCH. The artist has SKETCHED OUT a design for the new school.
    A simple, quickly-made drawing that does not hv many details=> Make a sketch of something
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    a field planted with rice growing in water
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  • A HERD of cattle/elephants/goats/ Poor Janine - she just follows the HERD (= does what all the other people are doing).
    A large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together/ A large group of people that is considered together as a group and not separately
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  • An old woman was HERDING the goats.
    Make animals move together as a group/ Make people move somewhere as a group, often against their wishes or with difficulty
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  • (IFML) The stolen pictures were STASHED (AWAY) in a warehouse. He needed a place to STASH some cash=> They discovered a STASH of money hidden at the back of a drawer. Quilters are notorious for having big STASHES of fabrics.
    Store o hide ST, esp a large amount=> An amount of ST that has been stored or hidden, esp a large amount
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  • I needed a lot of RETAIL THERAPY to help me get over my ex-boyfriend.
    the act of buying special things for yourself in order to feel better when you are unhappy (HUMOROUS)
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  • CORNY jokes I couldn't watch the whole movie - it was just too CORNY. (IFML)/ It sounds CORNY, but when I get to the beach I feel like a kid again.
    (esp f jokes, films, stories..)Showing no new ideas o too often repeated, & therefore not funny o interesting/Emotional & obvious frm having been used too often
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  • a GARLAND of white roses=>(LITERARY) They garlanded the visitors with scented flowers
    A circle made f flowers & leaves worn around the neck o head as a decoration=> Put garlands on SB o ST
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    a piece of flavoured hard candy shaped like a cane (= a walking stick)
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  • SHARDS OF glass have been cemented into the top of the wall to stop people climbing over.
    a piece of a broken glass, cup, container, or similar object
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  • The new store will have a pharmacy inside, along with a DELICATESSEN, bakery, and seafood department. Ask for our sliced ham at the DELI counter. (IFML: DELI)
    a store that sells foods such as cheeses, types of cold meat, salads, and often cooked foods
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  • COARSE sand/breadcrumbs. Linen is a COARSE-grained fabric/ A COARSE joke. COARSE language=> Our recipe calls for COARSELY chopped pistachios=> He was shocked by the COARSENESS of his guest.
    Rough & not smooth o soft, o not in very small pieces/ Rude & offensive
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