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    on Eruv Tavshilin so far May 6
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  • What is an Eruv Tavshilin?
    A cooked dish that allows one to cook on Yom Tov for Shabbos
  •  5
  • What is the minimum size for an Eruv Tavshilin?
  •  5
  • What is the maximum size for an Eruv Tavshilin?
    There is no maximum
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  • Translate למעלה
  •  5
  • Translate למטה
  •  5
  • How many kasaysim does a Rov need for his village of 100 people that he is making an Eruv for?
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  • Translate בין לאחד בין למאה
    whether for 1 or whether for 100
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  • Translate אין לו שיעור
    It has no (fixed) amount
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  • What happened to the Spanish Tunny fish before it had hot water poured on it?
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  • How do you pickle fish or meat?
    soak in vinegar , mustard and vegetables
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  • Why is it enough to just pour hot water on the tunny fish?
    It is tender and that is all it needs to cook it
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  • What did Rav say one needs to do when he said ערוב תבשילין צריכין דעת ?
    You need to have knowledge that an Eruv is being done
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  • What was obvious to us regarding Rav's law of "Having Knowledge"?
    That the person making the Eruv must be consciously aware that he is making/putting down an Eruv?
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  • What did the Gemorah need to clarify about Rav's statement that one needs knowledge?
    Do the people we are putting it down for also need Knowledge?
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  • According to Rashi how are you expected to make the people who benefit from an Eruv have knowledge of it?
    Ask their permission before you make it for them
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  • How did the Gemorah prove that before Yom Tov you only need the knowledge of the one making the Eruv and NOT those whom its done for?
    The father of Shmuel made an Eruv for the whole of Nehardo and its unlikely he went around asking them.
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