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Lymphatic System

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  •  English    40     Public
    Lymphatic System
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  • What is the lymphatic system composed of?
    A network of vessels that circulate body fluids.
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  • What do the lymphatic vessels transport to the circulatory system?
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  • What is a function of the lymphatic system?
    Transport excess fluid away from interstitial spaces between cells in most tissues and return it to the blood stream, Help defend body against invasion.
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  • What do lymphatic pathways start as?
    Lymphatic capillaries that merge to form larger vessels that empty into the circulatory system.
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  • What are lymph nodes?
    Mass of lymphoid tissue
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  • How are lymphatic vessels compared to those of veins?
    They are thinner
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  • What are lymph nodes?
    A small organ found along the course of a lymphatic vessel that filters the lymph and functions as an activation site for B and T cells
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  • What are found in your tonsils?
    Tonsillar crypts An incomplete fibrous capsule Patches of lymphatic tissues
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  • What is a natural killer cell?
    A lymphatic cell that functions to non-specifically target bacteria, transplanted tissue cells, and virally infected or cancerous host cells
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  • The functions of the lymphatic system
    Fluid balance. Fat Absorption. Defense
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  • What are the two parts of the lymphatic system? Contrast
    The lymphatic system actually consists of two semi-independent parts: (1) a meandering network of lymphatic vessels and (2) various lymphoid tissues and organs
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  • How do lymph nodes in particular help protect the body?
    The lymph nodes in particular help protect the body by removing foreign material such as bacteria and tumor cells from the lymphatic stream and by producing lym
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  • What are T cells?
    The rest of the cortical cells are lymphocytes “in transit”, the so-called T cells that circulate continuously between the blood, lymph nodes and lymph
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  • Tell me about the spleens location and function.
    The spleen is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity, just beneath the diaphragm, and curls around the anterior aspect of the stomach.
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  • When is the peak of thymus gland functions? Why?
    The thymus gland functions at peak levels only during youth.
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  • What is the function and location of your thymus gland?
    The thymus gland produces thymosin and others, that function in the programming of certain lymphocytes so they can carry out their protective roles in the body.
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