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  •  English    16     Public
    Revision of Late Modern English
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  • What were the first attempts to standardize English grammar?
    1762 - Robert Lowth: "A Short Introduction to English Grammar"; 1761 - Joseph Priestley: "The Rudiments of English Grammar", etc.
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  • What did American revolution lead to, in regard to the development of the English language?
    territorial segregation and dialectal differentiation
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  • Which types of word-building have become popular in the Late Modern English period?
    Contraction, reversion, blending
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  • What were two main directions in the Enlightenment and their representatives?
    Moderate (Rene Descartes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant) and radical (Benedict de Spinoza)
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  • Which effect did the first industrial revolution have on the society?
    Growing standards of living, urbanization, increase in literacy rate
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  • Which historical event resulted in borrowing words from such languages as Hindi, Maori, etc.?
    Colonization by the British Empire
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  • Where did the expression "Boston tea party" originate from?
    1773 - protest of Americans against British taxation law (destroying tea of British)
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  • What led to the Civil War in the US?
    Slave Trade
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  • Which accent of American English is considered to be the standard one?
    General American
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  • Which grammatical approach became popular in the XIX century?
    Classical scientific approach
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  • In which dialect is omission of subjects in relative clauses popular?
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  • Which mood of verbs lost all the endings in the Late Modern English?
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  • Who was the first to systematize the origin of words in a dictionary?
    Nathan Bailey
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  • What was the reason for "dictionary wars" between Noah Webster and Joseph Worcester?
    plagiarism of Joseph Worcester
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  • What were Thomas Sheridan and John Walker famous for?
    publishing dictionaries and grammar books with critical notes
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  • Why was the grammatical approach popular in the XVIII century called "prescriptive"?
    Because the aim was to fix the "correct" grammatical rules
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