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Exam #3 Review Honors Biology

  •  English    31     Public
    Energy Flow, Nutrient Cycles, Population Ecology
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  • A variable that influences an individuals probability of survival and reproduction in a manner that depends on the size of the population
    density-dependent limiting factor
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  • Which of the following would be a limiting factor for a population? (decrease in competition, fewer predators, reduction of disease, loss of habitat)?
    loss of habitat
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  • What is the term for something that controls the growth or size of a population?
    limiting factor
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  • What is a factor that can increase the growth of the population?
    any acceptable answer (births, immigration, abundant resources, etc.)
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  • What is a factor that would cause a decrease in population growth?
    Any acceptable answer (deaths, disease, emigration, etc.)
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  • As resources in a population become less available, the population is reaching___.
    its carrying capacity
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  • Where on the graph would indicate where the hare reached its carrying capacity?
    student points at correct spot on graph
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  • How is the movement of matter through the biosphere different from the movement of energy?
    energy - flows in one direction (producers to top consumer; matter - is recycled within and between ecosystems through a series of events
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  • Why are decomposers in soils and water important to ecosystems?
    they recycle nutrients
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  • How does transpiration play a role in the water cycle?
    it returns water vapor to the atmosphere from a plant
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  • What type of organisms are responsible for "fixing" nitrogen or helping to put it in a form so other living things can use it?
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  • Why are nutrient cycles described as being a closed loop?
    elements pass between organisms and physical spaces within the biosphere
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  • Why do farmers add fertilizers to their crops?
    it contains usable nitrogen and phosphorus that plants can use to grow
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  • How does cellular respiration in plants and animals used in the carbon cycle?
    returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
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  • Why should farmers be concerned about unused nitrates, from fertilizer use, contaminating surface water and groundwater supplies?
    Excessive amounts of nutrients speed up the eutrophication process
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  • What process removes carbon from the atmosphere?
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