Game Preview

6th grade review

  •  English    31     Public
    Fun animal activity for 6th grade
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What class of animal is this?
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  • What 3 characteristics do animals have in common?
    Symmetry, body organisation, interaction function.
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  • What is the opposite of symmetrical?
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  • What are the 2 types of animals?
    Vertebrates and invertebrates
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  • Name the 5 classes of vertebrates
    Amphibians, mammals, fish, birds, reptiles.
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  • True or false. Fish can only move up and down.
    False. Fish can move in any direction.
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  • What do fish use to breath under water?
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  • Name an amphibian
    Frog, toad, salamander,
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  • Explain what oviparous means.
    If an animal is oviparous, it means that animal lays eggs.
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  • Name 2 functions of feathers
    Protect them from the rain and let them fly
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  • What is the main feature of a mammal?
    They feed on breast milk.
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  • I am a mammal. I am covered with fur. I have four legs and a big bushy tail. I am semiaquatic.I have webbed feet and a bill (beak). I am oviparous.
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  • I am a reptile. I can slow my heart rate down to just a few beats an hour so that I can stay underwater for long periods of time. I have a strong jaw and very sharp teeth. I can grow to over 6 metres in length.
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  • I am an invertebrate. I am an annelid. I have a long thin body. My body is made up of rings.
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  • I am a mammal. I can jump up to 12 metres high. My back legs are larger and stronger than my front legs. I am covered with fur and I have a long tail. When my offspring are born, I put them in my pouch to continue developing.
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  • I am an invertebrate. I am arthropod. I have an exoskeleton. I have eight legs and a tail. I have a sting in the end of my tail.
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