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Junior Bible Quiz 20pts

  •  English    192     Public
    JBQ is like quiz bowl but its over the Bible
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 289-How did God give us the Bible?
    The Holy Spirit inspired holy men, giving them both the truth and the words to write
  •  15
  • 290-What do we mean whenwe say the Bible is infallible?
    The Bible cannot fail and has no errors
  •  15
  • 291-What do we mean whe we say the Bible is verbally inspired?
    God inspired each word of the Bible, not just the thoughts or ideas
  •  15
  • 292-What do we mean when we say the Bible is our authoritative rule of faith and conduct?
    The Bible has the right to command us in what we believe and what we do
  •  20
  • 293-QUOTATION QUESTION--How long will the Bible last
    Matthew 24:35 Heaven and eath will disappear, but my words will never disappear
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  • 294-QUOTATION QUESTION--Why is it important to memorize the Bible verses
    Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you
  •  20
  • 295-Does the BIble claim to be inspired
    Yes. The words, "and God said," or their equivalent, are found over 2,500 times in the Bible
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  • 296-What chapter of the Bible is known as the "love chapter"?
    1 Corinthians 13
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  • 297-Who wrote the first five books of the Bible
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  • 298-Who are the four major prophets
    Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
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  • 299- Which two apostles wrote a Gospel
    Matthew and John
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  • 300-What is a parable
    A parable is a story about familiar things which helps us understand spritual truths
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  • 301-What are the four major divisions of the Old Testament
    Law, Poetry, History, Prophets
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  • 302- What wise king wrote much of the Book of Proverbs
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  • 303-What is the main theme of the Book of Hebrews
    That Jesus if a better priest [mediator] between God and people than were the Old Testament priests
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  • 304-Which Gospel proves that Jesus is the Messiah by showing the fullfillment of many Old Testament prophecies
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