Game Preview


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  • I hate the way he's so CONDESCENDING TO his staff!, He explains things without CONDESCENDING TO his audience=> He shook his head and smiled CONDESCENDINGLY. “Alex, honey, I’m on the phone,” she said, CONDESCENDINGLY.
    treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than them
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  • I wonder if Michael will CONDESCEND TO VISIT us? (HUMOROUS, USU)
    If u condescend to do ST,u agree to do ST u do not consider to be good enough for ur social position
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  • He treats his players fairly and never CONDESCENDS TO them=> Some directors treat actors with CONDESCENSION
    Behave in a way which shows that you consider yourself to be better or more intelligent than other people
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  • Bill JOGS for 30 minutes every morning before breakfast (I think I’ll go out for a JOG)/ A man rushed past and JOGGED her elbow, making her drop the bag/ The horse and cart JOGGED DOWN the rough track towards the farm.
    Run at a slow regular speed, esp as a form of exercise/Push o knock SB o ST slightly, esp wt ur arm/Move forward slowly wt a lot of shaking o movement up & down
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  • The police showed him a photo to try to JOG HIS MEMORY about what had happened on the night of the robbery.
    Make someone remember something
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  • (IFML) "How's your research going?" "Oh, it's JOGGING ALONG."
    If something, such as your work, jogs along, it moves on at a slow but regular speed
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  • She'd been working for the same company for 15 years and it was time to leave and SPREAD HER WINGS
    use your abilities for the first time in your life to do new and exciting things
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  • a MORBID fascination with death/ She had to have gastric bypass surgery to avoid dying from MORBID obesity. Pathological anatomy (or MORBID anatomy) is the study of diseased organs (MEDICAL, SPECIALIZED) => MORBIDLY
    Too interested in unpleasant subjects, esp death/ Relating to or caused by disease
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  • She TOTTERED unsteadily down the stairs in her high-heeled shoes/ Several tall piles of books TOTTERED and fell/ The industry has TOTTERED from crisis to crisis now for two years.
    Walk wt difficulty in a way that looks as if u'r bout to fall/Shake & move frm side to side/(Company, government, etc)Become weaker & less likely to carry along
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  • I heard the BONG of the grandfather clock.
    a musical noise made especially by a large clock
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  • Dan didn't answer his phone, so I SUPPOSE (THAT) he's busy, We all SUPPOSED him TO BE German, but in fact he was Swiss/ I SUPPOSE (THAT) all the tickets will be sold by now.
    Think that ST is likely to be true/ Used to show that u think ST is true, although u wish that it were not
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  • I SUPPOSE (THAT) you're going to be late again. I SUPPOSE (THAT) you think that's funny. Well, I certainly don't/ "Can I go out tonight?" "Oh, I SUPPOSE so." I don't agree with it, but I SUPPOSE (THAT) it's for the best
    Used when you are annoyed/ Used to show unwillingness to agree
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  • I don't SUPPOSE (THAT) you could lend me £5 till tomorrow?/ Investment of this kind SUPPOSES (= would not be possible without) an increase in the company's profits this year.
    used in making polite requests/ Expect and need (FORMAL)
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  • SUPPOSE we miss the train - what will we do then?, We'd love to come and see you on Saturday, SUPPOSING (= if) I don't have to work that day.
    Used at the beginning of a sentence or clause to mean 'what would happen if'
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  • I CONDENSED ten pages of comments INTO/TO two/ Humidity CONDENSED on the bathroom walls=> We get a lot of CONDENSATION on the walls in the winter.
    Reduce ST, such as a speech or piece of writing, in length/ Make a liquid thicker by removing some of the water/ Make water in the air appear on a surface
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  • He was present at the CORONATION of Queen Victoria/ If nobody else stands against him this won't be a vote, it will be a CORONATION
    A ceremony at which a person is made king or queen/ An occasion when SB is chosen for an important job without having to win an election or other competition
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