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Past Simple Questions

  •  English    12     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I had (purple pizza) for breakfast.
    What did you have for breakfast?
  •  15
  • I bought these shoes (in the department store).
    Where did you buy these shoes?
  •  15
  • My mother came home (in the evening).
    When did your mother come home?
  •  15
  • My teacher studied (Biology) at university.
    What did your teacher study at university?
  •  15
  • I play with (crazy cats) yesterday.
    Who did you walk with?
  •  15
  • My parents lived (on Mars) before.
    Where did your parents live before?
  •  15
  • Choose a student and ask him/her a question in Past Simple.
  •  15
  • I ran (very fast) yesterday.
    How did you run yesterday?
  •  15
  • I cooked delicious fish yesterday (because I was hungry).
    Why did you cook?
  •  15
  • I did my homework (because I LOOOOOOVE English).
    Why did you do your homework?
  •  15
  • I jumped with a parachute (last year).
    When did you jump with a parachute?
  •  15
  • Ask your teacher a question in Past Simple.
  •  15