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Latin A Ch 11-12 Study Guide

  •  Latin    40     Public
    Latin for Children Primer A Grammar
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  • List the 2nd Declension Masculine Noun Endings
    us, i, o, um, o; i, orum, is, os, is
  •  10
  • List the 1st Declension Feminine Noun Endings
    a, ae, ae, am, a; ae, arum, is, as, is
  •  10
  • List the 2nd Declension Neuter Noun Endings
    um, i, o, um, o; i, orum, is, os, is
  •  10
  • What is an adjective?
    A word that describes or modifies a noun
  •  15
  • What three questions do adjectives answer?
    What kind? Which one? How many?
  •  20
  • Latin adjectives must agree with the Latin nouns they modify in what three ways?
    Case, Number, Gender
  •  15
  • What is a Predicate Adjective?
    An adjective describing the subject of the sentence by a linking verb
  •  20
  • Label and Translate: Vir est bonus
    SN-LV-PrA; The man is good
  •  25
  • Choose an adjective to modify this noun and translate: "fenestrae" (Nom/Pl/Fem)
    parvae, magnae, notae, bonae;  the small/big/known/good windows
  •  25
  • Choose an adjective to modify this noun and translate: "oppidum" (Nom/sg/neut)
    dubium, malum, ignotum, antiquum; the doubtful/bad/unknown/old city
  •  25
  • Choose an adjective to modify this noun and translate: "discipuli" (Nom/Pl/Masc)
    laeti/novi/sereni/irati/boni; the happy/new/peaceful/angry/good students
  •  25
  • Choose an adjective to modify this noun and translate: "vir" (Nom/Sg/Masc)
    antiquus, magnus, verus, miser; the old/big/true/miserable man
  •  25
  • Choose an adjective to modify this noun and translate: "puellam" (Acc/Sg/Fem)
    laetam, serenam, malam, parvam; the happy, peaceful, bad, small girl
  •  25
  • Choose an adjective to modify this noun and translate: "bella" (Nom/Pl/Neut)
    mala, nota, dubia; the bad, known, doubtful wars
  •  25
  • Label and Translate: "Viri sunt laeti"
    SN-LV_PrA; The men are happy
  •  25
  • Label and Translate: Discipulus est novus
    SN-LV-PrA; the student is new
  •  25