Game Preview


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  • Monkeys are very AGILE climbers/ Most AGILE corporations have flexible management systems that can quickly accommodate global change and exploit opportunities/ For a man of 80, he has a remarkably AGILE mind.
    able to move your body quickly and easily/ Able to deal with new situations or changes quickly and successfully/ Able to think quickly and clearly
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  • Can you think of a RHYME for "orange"?/ A book of RHYMES and songs=> "Blue" and "flew" RHYME. Can you think of a word that RHYMES with "orange"?
    a word that has the same last sound as another word/ A short poem, esp for young children=> Words that rhyme have the same last sound
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  • A lot of modern poetry is not written IN RHYME.
    written as a poem so that the word at the end of a line has the same last sound as a word at the end of another line
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  • Government money was given out to some people and not to others, apparently WITHOUT RHYME OR REASON. There is NO RHYME OR REASON to her behaviour.
    be without any obvious reasonable explanation
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  • The new cathedral was completed and CONSECRATED in 2002=> A large congregation gathered for the CONSECRATION of the church.
    officially make something holy and able to be used for religious ceremonies
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  • (FORMAL) The publishers claim that the book constitutes "the first SEQUENTIAL exposition of events and thus of the history of the revolution".=>It stores the voting records SEQUENTIALLY on a strip of paper.
    Following a particular order
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  • IN THE LAST/FINAL ANALYSIS, it is the drug companies that are going to profit from this policy.
    used when you are talking about what is most important or true in a situation
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  • The UPPER CLASSES usually send their children to expensive private schools=> She comes from a very UPPER-CLASS family. Her French was good but spoken with an UPPER-CLASS British accent.
    a social group consisting of the people who have the highest social rank and who are usually rich
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  • The computers were HUMMING in the background. What's that strange HUMMING sound?She hummed to herself as she walked to school/ (IFML) The bar was really HUMMING last night=>We could hear the constant HUM of traffic outside the window.
    make a continuous low sound/ Sing without opening your mouth/ Be busy & full of activity, excitement, sounds, or voices=>A continuous, low sound
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  • Are there enough pencils to GO AROUND?, There won’t be enough pizza to GO AROUND if you take two pieces
    If there is enough of something to go round, there is enough for everyone in a group of people
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  • Migrating birds and fish have a strong HOMING instinct/ The president's car is equipped with a HOMING device.
    Relating to the ability of some animals to find their way home/(An electronic device)producing a special signal so that it can be found using electronic equipme
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    a pigeon (= a type of bird) that is trained to return to its home from any place that it starts its journey
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  • I got a CRYPTIC text message from Sam=> "Maybe he will come out tomorrow," she added CYPTICALLY. He smiled CRYPTICALLY.
    mysterious and difficult to understand
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  • That strange noise during the night SCARED/FRIGHTENED me OUT OF MY WITS
    cause extreme fear in someone
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    a weapon worn on the side of the body, especially a small gun or sword
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  • I'm not going out with you like that. You LOOK LIKE SOMETHING THAT THE CAT DRAGGED IN! Brush your hair and put on some clean clothes!
    informal to look very untidy and dirty
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