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  •  Portuguese    28     Public
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  • Ela fez o itinerário da viagem
    She has made the trip itinerary
  •  15
  • Eles estudaram para o exame
    They have studied for the exam
  •  15
  • Eu tenho que colocar os selos nos envelopes
    I have to put the stamps on the envelopes
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  • Eu joguei xadrez ontem
    I have played chess yesterday
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  • Eles nunca estiveram em um cruzeiro
    I've been to a cruise
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  • Eu cantei no karaoke com meus amigos
    I sung in the karaoke with my friends
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  • Ela aparou os arbustos
    She trimmed the bushes
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  • Eles inspecionaram o carro
    They have inspected the car
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  • Ele não se barbeou essa semana
    He hasn't shaved this week
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  • Você não penteou seu cabelo hoje?
    Didn't you brush your hair today?
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  • Ela odeia pentear o cabelo de manhã
    She hates to comb her hair in the morning
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  • Ele deveria aparar suas costeletas
    He should trim his sideburns
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  • Ela já planejou a festa de aniversário
    She has planned her birthday party
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  • Eu tenho que falar com CEO
    I have to talk to the CEP
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  • Ele cortou o orçamento pra festa
    He has cut the party budget
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  • Meu pai se aposentou esse ano
    My father has retired this year
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