Game Preview


  •  English    20     Public
    crime stuff
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • what is it?
    forensic expert
  •  15
  • what is it?
    a suspect
  •  15
  • what is it?
    match fingerprints
  •  15
  • what is it?
    dust for fingerprints
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  • What is an alibi?
    Something that proves that someone wasn't in the crime scene
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  • What is a clue?
    an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime os mystery
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  • What is a culprit?
    the person who commited the crime or did something wrong (guilty)
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  • What is a witness?
    Someone who sees a crime and can describe what happened
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  • What was your classmate doing yesterday?
    open answer past continuous
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  • What do we use to show that two actions happened at the same time? when or while? give an example
    While + example with past continuous
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  • What do we use to show that one action interrupted another? When or while? give an example
    when + past continuous + simple past
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  • Mary was cleaning the house _______her mother arrived home.
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  • Jack was cutting his hair ______ his brother was sleeping
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  • Fernanda _______ (study) for the coming test while her sister was playing video game
    was studying
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  • Lucas __________(walk) his dog when a cat showed up
    was walking
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  • Carlos was kissing Jaque when Loryn ___________(arrive)
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