Game Preview

The Wave

  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What role has Robert decided to adopt?
    Ben's bodyguard
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  • Good things about The Wave:
    The students support each other. * They work together as a team. * There are no more cliques.
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  • Bad things about The Wave:
    * Students no longer behave as individuals. * It suppresses freedom of speech. * It causes violent behavior. * It causes the students to be suspicious of one an
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  • What did Laurie's father tell her?
    That a Jewish boy was attacked.
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  • How did The Wave affect the relationship between Laurie and David?
    They broke up because Laurie didn't want to go to the Wave rally.
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  • What did Laurie and Brad argue about?
    Laurie refused to give the Wave salute at the football game.
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  • Why is Laurie's mother worried after she meets Robert's mother? She is afraid (–).
    The Wave is like a cult
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  • Why do Laurie and David go to Mr. Ross' house at night at the end of the novel?
    They want to ask him to stop the Wave.
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  • Ben Ross knows that The Wave is becoming very popular in school because (–).
    students from other classes are coming to his lessons
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  • Laurie says in her editorial in The Grapevine that (–).
    The Wave is a dangerous movement
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  • When Ben meets the principal to explain about The Wave, he says, "... as long as I'm involved in this, I assure you it can't get out of hand." Was this true? Explain. Give information from the novel to support your answer.
    No, it was not true. The Wave did get out of hand. Ben began to lose control of what was happening. There was violence in the school because of The Wave. Suppor
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  • According to Ben, what have the students learned by the end of The Wave experiment?
    They are responsible for their actions.
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  • How does The Wave experiment affect the relationship between Laurie and Amy?
    Amy feels that she doesn't need to compete with Laurie anymore. / Laurie is angry with Amy. / Amy and Laurie are no longer best friends.
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  • After David pushed Laurie down, "he felt almost as if he were coming out of a trance." Explain what change David goes through at this point in the novel.
    Pushing Laurie causes David to realize what a negative effect The Wave has had on him. David is shocked by the fact that he was willing to be violent towards La
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  • At the end of the novel David says, "Let's try... not to forget it... but let's forget it at the same time." What do you think he means by this? Give information from the novel to support your answer.
    David means that the students have all learned how easy it is to change their behavior / attitude and to follow a leader / person without thinking. / to lose th
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  • " 'Laurie Saunders is a threat,' Robert stated bluntly. 'She must be stopped.' " Why is it so important to Robert that Laurie be stopped? Give information from the novel to support your answer.
    Robert doesn't want The Wave to end because it has changed his life and makes him feel accepted by others / important. Laurie does not accept The Wave and does
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