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The Boy Who Saved Baseball (Vocabulary)

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  •  English    5     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does the word phenomenal mean in the sentence below? The race car zoomed around the track with phenomenal speed. alarming ordinary remarkable uncontrolled
  •  15
  • What does the word lingered mean in the sentence below? Mike lingered at the park with his friends instead of rushing home. arrived hurried practiced stayed
  •  15
  • What does the word savor mean in the sentence below? The singer closed her eyes in order to savor the applause of the audience. avoid gain encourage enjoy
  •  15
  • What does the word gloat mean in the sentence below? Celia's mother asked her not to gloat over her victories against her brother in chess. protest against ignore with disinterest rejoice in a bragging way downplay as not important
    rejoice in a bragging way
  •  25
  • What does the word reserve mean in the sentence below? Even though he is a reserve player, Carlos has played in three games so far this season. excellent main substitute timid
  •  20