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Apologia advanced Biology module 4

  •  English    38     Public
    The skeletal system
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  • What does midsagittal mean?
    the median vertical longitudinal plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves.
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  • What is ossification?
    the process of laying down new bone material by cells called osteoblasts. It is synonymous with bone tissue formation.
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  • What is appositional growth?
    when bones grow in diameter, osteoblasts lay down new bone matrix on the surface of the bone, while osteoclasts remove bone from the medullary cavity increasing
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  • What are the canaliculi?
    processes that extend from the main body of an osteocyte to allow them to communicate with each other. The canaliculi touch each other
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  • What is cancellous (spongy) bone?
    bone with many small spaces or cavities surrounding the bone matrix. Spaces filled with red bone marrow and blood vessels. Trabeculae for the lattice work.
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  • How do the sex hormones affect bone growth?
    They cause a rapid growth spurt(an increase in the osteoblast activity), and they cause the epiphyseal plates to ossify.
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  • Bone has a very plentiful blood supply(orthopedic surgery is one of the bloodiest surgeries)When a bone breaks,blood vessels are damaged,causing blood to flow in the area of the break.This blood clots and forms a hematoma.What happens next?
    A callus forms to stabilize the bone while it heals. A mass of connective tissue that connects the end of a broken bone.
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  • When does your body secrete PTH and where does it come from?
    When Ca+ levels in the blood drop, it come from the parathyroid gland. It causes an increase in osteoclast activity and a decrease in osteoblast activity
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  • name the 3 types of joints and an example.
    Fibrous=-sutures (head) and syndesmosis (forearm),Cartilaginous- costal cartilage and pubis symphysis and spine, Synovial – allows for free movement
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  • What are my knees and hips doing during a squat?
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  • what are my ankles doing during a squat?
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  • What are Mrs. Berryman's arms doing during a squat on one leg?
    circumduction (to keep my balance) :-)
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  • List 3 of the 6 types of synovial joints and example of each
    gliding (plane):scapula and clavical, hinge:knee or elbow, pivot:neck, ellipsoid:hand, saddle:thumb, ball and socket:hips and shoulder
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  • What is the consistency of synovial fluid and what is it’s purpose?
    Viscous, ovial:egg like, non Newtonian, lubricates, supports the chondrocytes in the articular cartilage, shock absorber
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  • A child is diagnosed with Ricketts, caused by a vit D deficiency, which prevents calcium from being absorbed by the body. What are the child’s bones like?
    Soft and flexible, they can’t support the child’s body weight.
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  • Why is a bone made up of both collagen and bone salts?
    collagen gives bone flexibility and tensile strength, and bone salts (Hydroxyapatite) give it compressive strength and hardness
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