Game Preview

Inter 1

  •  English    12     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • We COULD go to the movies.
    possibility / probability
  •  15
  • We MAY use the telephone to talk to her.
    possibility / probability
  •  15
  • I MIGHT call you tonight.
    possibility / probability
  •  15
  • We HAVE TO wash our hands because of Covid-19.
    obligation / necessity
  •  15
  • You SHOULD study for the CNA English tests.
    advice / suggestion
  •  15
  • We CAN speak English very well!
  •  15
  • SHOULD we use masks?
    advice / suggestion
  •  15
  • CAN you cook?
  •  15
  • I CAN'T speak Italian.
  •  15
  • We MAY end this class 5:45.
    possibility / probability
  •  15
  • We MIGHT NOT do exercise 3.
    possibility / probability
  •  15
  • MAY I go to the bathroom?
    possibility / probability
  •  15