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Zombie attack in Orduña!!

  •  English    10     Public
    Past simple verbs and zombie attack sequencers
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  • The zombie ________ (bite off) his ear. ______ he ate it!
    bit off / then
  •  15
  • ________ killing the zombie, Idurre ________ (take) a selfie with it.
    Before / took
  •  15
  • The zombie ______ (attack) Ane. _____ ____, she __________ (become) a zombie, too!
    attacked / after that / became
  •  15
  • _______, the zombie cats _____ (eat) the children. ______, they ______ (kill) the teachers.
    first / ate / killed
  •  25
  • When Sara saw the zombie, she ____ (be) scared. _________, she ______ (relax) and ________ (pick up) her baseball bat.
    was / after OR then / relaxed / picked up
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  • ________ the zombie _____ (see) Aidan, he _________ (escape) from the house.
    before / see / escaped
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  • Aner ____________ (kill) all the zombies in Orduña. __________, he _____ (go) home for dinner.
    killed / finally OR after OR then OR at the end of the day / went
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  • Idurre ______ (be) hungry. She ____ (go) to Eroski and _____ (shoot) all the zombies ______ buying some sausages.
    was / went / shot / before
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  • Foru Plaza _____ (be) full of zombies. ____, Ane _______ (arrive) with her flame thrower.
    was / then / arrived
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  • Aner and Aidan ________ (drink) the zombie blood. _______, they ________ (start) to bite people in the supermarket.
    drank / then / started
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