Game Preview

Solving Spooky Problems

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  •  English    21     Featured
    Practicing the story grammar elements; students are presented with a problem and their task is to identify an action and a consequence.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Nick and John got big candy bars, but Joe got lots of quarters, nickles, and dimes from trick or treating so he decided to...
  •  20
  • It's time to trick or treat, but it is raining! So you decide to...
  •  15
  • You have to trick or treat with your little sister, but she is scared so you...
  •  5
  • I can't wear my bloody mask at school so I....
  •  20
  • Your friends want to go to a haunted house, but you don't want to go, so you....
  •  20
  • You got a lot of butterfingers, and you don't like butterfingers so you...
  •  10
  • You ate too much candy and you have a tummy ache so you....
  •  25
  • Your Mom says it is too dark to trick or treat and that it isn't safe so you....
  •  20
  • All of your friends are trick or treating together without you so you....
  •  10
  • While trick or treating, you notice a scary monster at one house and you know he is going to jump out at you so you....
  •  5
  • You want to get as much candy as you can but your family is moving slowly so you...
  •  20
  • You are trick or treating and your hands get very cold so you....
  •  10
  • Your trick or treat bag is full and you still have an hour of trick or treating to go so you...
  •  10
  • Your little sister is crying because she doesn't have a lot of candy so you....
  •  15
  • Your Mom does not let you eat gum with sugar in it, and you have a lot of gum in your treat or treat bag so you....
  •  20
  • Halloween is Sunday, and you still don't have a costume so you....
  •  15