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Benefits of planting Trees

  •  Vietnamese    11     Public
    Summarize the issues we mentioned in the slide
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  • How many tons of Co2 does a tree consume on average in a year?
    1 ton
  •  15
  • How many liters of water can a plant hold?
    76 000 liters
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  • Where can we plant trees?
    School - yard, company, garden, balcony
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  • Who can plant trees?
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  • What benefits of planting trees?
    Reducing Climate change,Saving water,cooling down the streets,providing food
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  • How many kilograms of oxygen can a tree produce in a year?
    One hundred and thirty kilograms
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  • How much emissions can trees remove?
    4.6 millions of car's emissions
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  • How much money will one tree produce in 50 years?
    Thirty two thousands dollar
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  • Can trees muffle urban noise?
    Yes, they can
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  • What can trees support?
    Tree support wildlife a lot.
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  • Can you give an example of a tree that can help people?
    Trees provide oxygen,save water,create privacy and add beauty for our world
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