Game Preview


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  •  English    5     Public
    Unit 3: Becoming independent
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are the benefits of having good time-management skills?
    With good time-management skills, you can build your confidence (...) for family and friends. (paragraph 1)
  •  15
  • How can you make plans for the things you need to do?
    Write the things I will have to do on a planner or an app on my mobile device, and put time limits on them.
  •  10
  • Why should you schedule the things you need to do?
    So I can check them later.
  •  10
  • How can you prioritise your activities?
    Decide what is important to me and give it the most of my time or add it to the top of my list.
  •  20
  • Why should you develop routines?
    Once routines are developed, they take less time to do.
  •  15