Game Preview


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  • "Bob was going to ask Sue out, but he __________ at the last minute."
    chickened out
  •  15
  • "We can ___________ by dropping off the mail when we go to the grocery store."
    kill two birds with one stone
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  • "We've been over this a million times already. Stop _____________."
    beating a dead horse
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  • "It's awful outside! It's pouring buckets! It's ___________________!"
    raining cats and dogs
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  • "Susan called Carol a _________ for wearing the same dress."
    copy cat
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  • "Maybe they're on the right path and we're wrong. Maybe we're the ones who are _____________ here."
    barking up the wrong tree
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  • "Something's fishy here. I can't put my finger on it but something is just not right. I ____________."
    smell a rat
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  • Although Bob contributed very little, he got the __________ of the credit.
    lion's share
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  • "I know it's true, because I got it straight _________ – Katie told me herself."
    from the horse's mouth
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  • "I wouldn't want to work on Wall Street - it's such a ________.
    rat race
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  • to become very angry or upset
    have a cow
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  • "No one wants to address the _____________."
    elephant in the room
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  • "Whoa! ______________! You need to take a minute and think things over before making a decision like that."
    Hold your horses
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  • "You've been unusually quiet today. What's the matter? _____________?"
    Cat got your tongue
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  • I don't take the criticism personally - it's all ____________.
    water off a duck's back
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  • The candidates are quitting the presidential race very quickly. They are ____________.
    dropping like flies
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