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Grade 4 week 2 day2

  •  English    13     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Give at least 3 types of entrepreneur.
    Small business, Large company, Scalable startup, Social, Innovative, Hustler, Imitator, Researcher, and Buyer entrepreneur
  •  25
  • A type of entrepreneurship when a person owns and runs their own business. And the majority of the business is a small business.
    Small business entrepreneurship
  •  15
  • This type of entrepreneurship is for an advanced professional who knows how to sustain innovation. It's entrepreneurship when a company has a finite amount of life cycles.
    Large Company Entrepreneurship
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  • = This kind of entrepreneurship is when entrepreneurs believe that their company can change the world. They often receive funding from venture capitalists and hire specialized employees.
    Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship
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  • An entrepreneur who wants to solve social problems with their products and services is in this category of entrepreneurship.
    Social Entrepreneurship
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  • An entrepreneurs who are constantly coming up with new ideas and inventions. They take these ideas and turn them into business ventures.
    Innovative Entrepreneurship
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  • People who are willing to work hard and put in constant effort, they often start small and work toward growing a bigger business with hard work. What kind of entrepreneur is this?
    Hustler Entrepreneurship
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  • Are entrepreneurs who use others' business ideas as inspiration but work to improve them. What kind of entrepreneur is this?
    Imitator Entrepreneurship
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  • They take their time when starting their own business. They want to do as much research as possible before offering a product or service. What kind of entrepreneur is this?
    Researcher Entrepreneurship
  •  15
  • It is a type of entrepreneur who uses their wealth to fuel their business. Their specialty is to use their fortunes to buy businesses that they think will be successful.
    Buyer Entrepreneurship
  •  15
  • Choose one from the all the kinds of entrepreneurs and explain why.
    The answer is based in good explanation.
  •  15
  • If you wan to be an entrepreneur what kind of business you want to create and who among from your classmates be the best fit as a business partner?
  •  15
  • Mario is an entrepreneur, he sells leather shoes in the market. The idea of his business came from his brother Sam who introduced the business. What type of entrepreneur is Mario?
    Imitator entrepreneurship
  •  15