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Suspense Scene Academic Vocabulary & 100 Words A ...

  •  English    28     Public
    FUN and REVIEW before writing suspense scenes
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  • figurative language
    The GENERAL term for language not literally true that makes writing more vivid
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  • simile
    A comparison of two unlike things using the words “like” or “as” or “than” to make a description more vivid and clear
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  • metaphor
    A direct comparison of two unlike things NOT using the simile words
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  • idiom
    An everyday phrase or expression not literally true but with meaning that is understood by most people
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  • personification
    Words or phrases that assign human qualities or characteristics to nonhuman things
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  • hyperbole
    Exaggerated exaggeration to make a point
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  • allusion
    a direct or indirect reference to something commonly known
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  • alliteration
    The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words close together
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  • assonance
    The repetition of vowel sounds or combination of vowels in non-rhyming phrases
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  • onomatopoeia
    A word with a sound that echoes its meaning
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  • suspense
    Anxious curiosity; the “edge of your seat” feeling that makes someone want to keep reading
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  • mood
    The feeling the reader gets from a work of literature; Authors create mood mostly through word choice, imagery, setting; The mood can be creepy, joyful, etc.
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  • ambiguity
    Vagueness; The unclear feeling between safety and danger that our brain doesn’t know how to handle (why masks are scary)
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  • foreshadowing
    Hints or clues about what will happen next in a story
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  • spotlighting
    Detailed description of one item or feature that will become important later in the story (a specific type of foreshadowing)
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  • cliffhanger
    An ending (of a section, chapter, or story) that leaves the reader in suspense
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