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USH A Unit 12 Review

  •  English    12     Public
    Progressive Era
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Racial discrimination or unsafe working conditions were considered a cause of the labor movement.
    unsafe working conditions
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  • Which is the primary goal of the Conservation movement? protect natural resources or regulate the railroads running across the west?
    protect natural resources
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  • Immigration and and working conditions are two main issues of the Progressive movement. True or False?
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  • "Separate but equal" doctrine was established with the Plessy v. Ferguson verdict. True or False?
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  • Women's suffrage and political machine elimination were two main contributions by women during the Progressive era. True or False?
    False - child labor regulations and women's suffrage
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  • Which muckracker influenced regulation of the meatpacking industry with the book The Jungle? Ida Tarbell or Upton Sinclair?
    Upton Sinclair
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  • Who founded the Hull House? Jane Addams or Susan B. Anthony?
    Jane Addams
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  • This African American leader founded the Niagara Movement, later becoming the NAACP. W.E.B Dubois or Marcus Garvey?
    W.E.B DuBois
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  • Recall is when citizens are allowed to directly vote on whether to accept or reject a proposed law. True or False?
    False - referendum
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  • This African American leader suggested African Americans focus on economics rather than civil rights. Booker T. Washington or Marcus Garvey?
    Booker T. Washington
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  • A primary goal of the Progressive Movement was for the federal gov't to remain out of economic and business affairs. True or False?
    False - wanted regulations to ensure economy could benefit all not just elite.
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  • Muckrackers exposed horrible working conditions and other social ills during the early 20th century. True or False?
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