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  •  English    12     Public
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  • Explain the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
    end slavery, birthright citizenship and  equal protection, universal male suffrage
  •  15
  • What were the two big unresolved questions after the Civil War?
    How to treat South / How to integrate former slaves
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  • What were three characteristics of Radical Reconstruction?
    Punish South, military rule, ratify 13-15th amendments, Confederates excluded, all males participate in govt.
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  • What were three requirements of President Johnson's Plan for Reconstruction?
    Lenient on South, ratify 13th Amendment, repudiate secession, cancel war debts, oath of loyalty, pardons for wealthy by application
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  • Define scalawag
    a white Southerner who joined the Republican party after the Civil War
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  • Define carpetbagger
    a Northerner who moved to the South after the Civil War
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  • What did the Freedmen's Bureau do? List two things.
    helped slaves after the Civil War, provided food, clothing, health care, education
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  • Explain sharecropping
    Landowners give farm workers land, seeds, and tools in return for a part of the crops they grow.
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  • Give an example of a black code.
    Discriminatory laws that restricted African Americans' lives. Answers may vary.
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  • What was the purpose of the Ku Klux Klan?
    To restore white supremacy through violence, intimidation, and harassment of African Americans.
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  • How did the Election of 1876 bring an end to Reconstruction?
    Resulted in Compromise of 1877. Democrats accept Hayes as President if Republicans pull troops from South.
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  • What was one thing African American legislators accomplished during the years of Radical Reconstruction?
    Universal public schooling; built orphanages and railroads, worked with poor white Southerners, etc.
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