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The Internet

  •  English    12     Public
    Words for the internet.
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  • (2 words, starts with S) A computer programme that finds information on the Internet by looking for words you have tuped in (Google, etc.)
    (a) search engine
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  • (2 words, starts with C) where you can use email to chat with other people.
    (a) chat room
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  • (1 word, starts with F) on the Internet, where you can discuss a specific subject (technology, computer game,...)
    (a) forum
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  • (2 words, starts with O) a collection of articles about different subject arranged in alphabetical order (Wikipedia, etc.)
    (an) online encyclopaedia
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  • (3 words, starts with O) an online company that helps people meet other people in order to start a romantic relationship.
    (a) online dating agency
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  • (1 word, starts with B) a website where a person regularly writes his or her ideas and thoughts so other people can read and commnet on them.
    (a) blog (short for weblog)
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  • (2 words, starts with O) A role-play game, where players take the parts of characters in the game.
    (an) online RPG
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  • (1 word. starts with W) A type of camera that record sound and moving pictures which are then broad cast live on the Internet.
    (a) webcam
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  • (2 words, starts with M) A file which stores high-quality sound in a small amount of space.
    (an) MP3 file
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  • (1 word, starts with P) An audio or video file that you can download and listen to on a computer or a digital audio player.
    (a) podcast
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  • (2 words, starts with A) Software that protects your computer from viruses.
    anti-virus software
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  • (1 word, starts with W) A system that allows people to connect to the Internet by using radio waves.
    wiresless (Wi-Fi)
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