Game Preview

Chapter 4, Sections 1-4

  •  English    53     Public
    Colonial Development
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Describe the term subsistence farming.
    family farms that produce only enough food for the family
  •  5
  • Why was the whaling industry important to colonial New England?
    Whaling provided colonists with valuable products.
  •  15
  • How did life differ for enslaved African Americans in New England and in the Southern Colonies?
    In New England, enslaved African Americans were trained for specific duties.
  •  15
  • Who created the Dominion of New England and why?
    King James II created the Dominion to strengthen English control over the region.
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  • What made Mary Rowlandson famous?
    She wrote a book about being captured by Native Americans.
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  • Compare and contrast the way boys and girls were educated in New England.
    Some boys went to college to become members of the clergy. Girls stayed with their mothers to learn skills like sewing and cooking. Girls did not go to college.
  •  25
  • Describe the attitude of Puritans in New England toward other Protestant groups, such as Quakers and Baptists.
    1) They saw them as a threat. 2) They did not allow them to vote or hold office. 3) They hanged Quaker missionaries. 4) Punished non-Puritans.
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  • Which crop did colonists learn how to farm from enslaved Africans?
  •  15
  • Before 1698, what was the main source of labor in the Southern Colonies?
    white indentured servants
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  • As plantations expanded, what effect did the increased workload have on enslaved Africans?
    Death rates increased
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  • Which words did enslaved Africans introduce to the English language?
    yam and tote
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  • Why did the South Carolinian legislature prohibit enslaved people from learning to read and write in 1740?
    Legislators feared that literate slaves would rebel as they had at Stono.
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  • Why were port cities less important in Southern Colonies than they were in New England?
    Plantations were built along the rivers. Ships could sail up tributaries from the Chesapeake Bay to these plantations.
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  • Describe some of the ways enslaved people rebelled against slave owners
    Staging slowdowns, faking illnesses, destroying crops and tools, running away, setting fire to fields and homes, and killing slave owners
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  • Which of the following helped make Philadelphia the fastest-growing city in the colonies?
    The city was a major trading post.
  •  15
  • What did the Dutch West Indies Company’s “half freedom” do for older enslaved Africans?
    It freed them but not their children from slavery.
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