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History of Czech Republic

  •  English    20     Public
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  • How do we call the age of mammoths and hunters?
    Stone Age
  •  15
  • When did the Slavs arrive to Czech Republic?
    Turn of 5th century
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  • What is the name of this hill? (praotec Čech)
  •  5
  • What is the name of first empire?
    Samo's empire
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  • What did Cyril and Metoděj bring? Name at least one "thing".
    Christianity and Slavonic language
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  • What is the name of a lady that foretold the history of Prague?
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  • Who did Libuše marry?
    Přemysl Oráč
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  • How did the Přemyslids die?
    By sword
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  • Who was Charles the IV?
    Czech king and Roman emperor
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  • Name 2 buildings that Charles the IV built.
    Charles University and Charles Bridge
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  • When and where was John Huss burned?
    1415 in Kostnice
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  • What is germanization? When was it?
    Loss of Czech culture. Habsburg dynasty (1526-1918)
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  • Who established compulsory education?
    Marie Teresie
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  • When was the first Czechoslovakian Republic established with Masaryk as a president?
    1918 (28.10.1918)
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  • When did the Communist take power for the first time?
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  • When was the Occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Russians? (Pelíšky)
    21. 8. 1968
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