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Real english Vocab Review

  •  English    24     Public
    Vocab review
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  • Globalization is ...
    the process by which regional economies, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation and trade
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  • Sweatshop is...
    a workshop / factory where manual workers are employed for very low wages;
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  • Fair trade
    a system of trading with a developing country in which a good price is paid for their exports, and the people who produce the goods have good working conditions
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  • Outsource
    getting work done by another company, usually in a different country;
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  • Downshifting
    . the Practise of leaving a job that is well paid and difficult in order to do something that gives you more time and satisfaction but less money;
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  • Identity loss
    the process when some distinct features of a person / thing disappear and it becomes similar to others; not knowing who you are anymore;
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  • Uberisation
    the act or process of changing the market for a service by introducing a different way of buying or using it, especially using mobile technology;
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  • Brain drain
    the situation in which large numbers of educated and very skilled people leave their own country to live and work in another one where pay and conditions are b
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  • Cosmopolitanism
    . the idea that all human beings are, or could or should be, members of a single community. Different views of what constitutes this community may include a foc
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  • Clash of cultures
    a conflict arising from the interaction of people with different cultural values;
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  • Localisation
    the process of organizing a business or industry so that its main activities happen in local areas rather than nationally or internationally.
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  • Glocalisation
    the idea that local conditions must be considered in globalization (= trading in all parts of the world)
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  • To be hooked on
    To be addicted to something;
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  • Off-shored
    Made, situated or registered abroad;
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  • Capture the imagination of
    To make someone very interested or excited;
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  • Ludicrous
    So foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing;
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