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Parts of Speech/Comma Rules

  •  English    30     Public
    Review of parts of speech and comma rules
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • This part of speech is a word that shows action or linking.
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  • This part of speech is a word that takes place of a noun.
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  • This part of speech is a word that shows strong emotion or surprise.
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  • A person, place, thing or idea is also known as this.
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  • This part of speech is a word that shows relationship between a noun and another word in the sentence.
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  • Words that connect words, phrases, clauses and even sentences together are what part of speech?
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  • This part of speech describes a noun or a pronoun.
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  • A word that describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb is known as this part of speech.
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  • You, your, yours, you're, you'll, (you), you've, and yourself are all pronouns in what point of view?
    2nd POV
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  • He, she, it, they, them, their, his, and hers are all examples of pronouns written in what point of view?
    3rd POV
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  • I, my, mine, me, we, us, our, and ours are all examples of pronouns written in what point of view?
    1st POV
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  • For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so are known as what type of conjunction?
    Coordinating conjunction
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  • Although, because, once, since, where are all examples of what type of conjunction?
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  • A group of words that contains a subject and a verb is known as this.
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  • A clause that IS a complete thought and CAN stand on it's own is known as what?
    Independent Clause
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  • A clause that ISN'T a complete thought is called what?
    Dependent Clause
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