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CE. 2a-b

  •  English    17     Public
    Founding principles and documents
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  • Which document said Kings have to obey laws too?
    Charters of Va. Co. of London
    Declaration of Independence
    Bill of Rights
    Magna Carta
  •  15
  • If King's have to obey the law to, that means we have
    Representative Government
    Equality to the king in all things
    Rule of law
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  • Democracy means that
    everyone is always free
    the people rule
    the government is all powerful
    only wealthy people rule
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  • If we vote for who our government officials are, we are part of a
    bill of rights
    representative government
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  • In order to participate in a representative government, the people need to
    do good in school
    watch the news
    complain about the government to their friends
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  • Which principle of government means the people give the government authority to make laws so that their rights will be protected.
    Representative Government
    Consent of the Governed
    Rule of Law
  •  20
  • _________________ means that the government can only do what the people allow it to do.
    consent of the governed
    rule of law
    limited government
    representative government
  •  15
  • Which document says that the King of England was whack for violating the colonists rights?
    Bill of Rights
    U.S. Constitution
    Charters of Va. Company of London
    Declaration of Independence
  •  20
  • We can find our rights, like the first amendment, listed in the
    Bill of rights
    Charters of the Va. Company
    blah blah blah
    Magna Carta
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  • Which document starts with 'We the People'
    Bill of Rights
    Magna Carta
    U.S. Constitution
    Declaration of Independence
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  • English colonists believed they had the same rights as Englishmen living in England because the ______ said so.
    Bill of Rights
    Declaration of Independence
    Charters of the Va. Company of London
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  • When James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights, what did he use as his model?
    U.S. Constitution
    Virginia Declaration of Rights, written by George Mason
    Bill of Rights
    Charters of the Va Company of London
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  • In the Declaration of Independence, the colonists listed their ____________ against the King.
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  • Which document says that we have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
    Bill of Rights
    Declaration of Independence
    U.S. Constitution
    Va. Declaration of Rights
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  • What was the U.S. first form of government (it failed because it was weak)
    U.S. Constitution
    General Assembly
    Articles of Confederation
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  • What document gave Virginians religious freedom in 1786?
    Va. Statute for Religious Freedom
    Magna Carta
    Charters of Va. Company of London
    U.S. Constitution
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