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Living Off The Land

  •  English    16     Featured
    Sustainable farming review
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name a man made fibre.
    Your answer
  •  20
  • Name a natural fibre
    Your answer
  •  20
  • Type of sand found in a desert.
    Sandy soil
  •  20
  • Type of soil best for growing vegetables.
    Loam Soil
  •  20
  • Name a type of farm and a product from it.
    Your answer
  •  10
  • Name a type of farm and a product from it.
    Your answer
  •  20
  • The food we eat is classified in two main groups... what are they?
    Whole foods and processed foods.
  •  20
  • Name 5 processed foods.
    Your answer
  •  15
  • Name 5 whole foods.
    Your answer
  •  15
  • Give an example of how to farm sustainably.
    Your answer
  •  25
  • By the year 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. T or F
  •  15
  • We can use as many natural resources as we want. They last forever. T or F
  •  10
  • Can you run out of renewable resources?
  •  5
  • Name a pro and con for the mass production of food.
    Your answer
  •  20
  • Give an example of a sustainable replacement for plastic.
    Your answer
  •  20
  • What does sustainable farming mean?
    The farming can continue without harming the environment or wasting natural resources.
  •  25