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RJH School Safety FAQ

  •  English    17     Public
    Review some frequently asked questions on School Safety for RJH
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  • Should you take your backpack, materials, stuff, coat, etc. with you if you evacuate the building?
    If this is a true emergency, do not worry about material things. Your personal safety is the most important thing!
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  • If my parent/guardian shows up to the evacuation site, may I leave with them?
    No, you will not be able to leave with a parent.   Parents will not be allowed near school property.  Police will block them out. 
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  • What do we do if there is a manmade drill during a passing period?
    Find the closest classroom/teacher and join that classroom. Shut the door behind you and lock yourself in or barricade the door if you are unable to lock it.
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  • Do cell phones have to be turned OFF during a manmade drill?
    Phones do not have to be off; they are to be silenced.
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  • After silencing our iPads/phones, when is it an appropriate time to communicate with family members?
    After the teacher has given instructions, actions have been taken and when everyone is safe you can text your families to let them know you are safe
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  • SCENARIO: A lockdown has been called - that's all the information we have - Do we run or stay?
    Stay - You should only leave once you have information on the whereabouts of the threat
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  • If you're going to evacuate, who makes the final decision to stay or go?
    The teacher of the classroom you're in.
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  • Safe rooms are for students who have an elevator pass. Where are the four safe rooms in our school?
    Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Kehoe, Ms. Carey, and the empty science room on the first floor
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  • SCENARIO: You're in the restroom when an announcement comes on ordering you to "Shelter in Place" or for teachers to "check their e-mails." What do you do?
    Leave as QUICKLY as you can and find the closest open classroom. If no classrooms are unlocked, go to the nearest staff restroom/location and lock yourself in.
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  • According to HSE safety levels, what does "Normal Operations" mean?
    There is no threat - everything in the school can run normally.
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  • According to HSE safety levels, what does "Heightened Awareness" mean?
    No outside activities, but normal operations within the building.
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  • Should people be in the hallways following a "Shelter in Place" announcement?
    NO! Clear the halls as quickly as you can!
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  • What should you do if you see a student or adult with a weapon?
    Notify the closest teacher or staff member IMMEDIATELY so they can call "LOCKDOWN!"
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  • Is it a good idea to hide in nearby lockers during a lockdown?
    No. The lockers will not be searched until much later. You may not be able to exit without help during an evacuation!
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  • What should you do if there is a man-made drill during a passing period?
    Find the closest classroom/teacher and join that classroom. Shut the door behind you and lock yourself in or barricade the door if you are unable to lock it.
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  • What if my friend or I live in the neighborhood across the street, can I just go there during a lockdown evacuation?
    No - going across the street would be very unsafe. MANY emergency vehicles would be speeding towards our school.
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