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Unit 6A Sigs

  •  English    24     Public
    Unit 6A Sigs (Weeks 4-6)
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  • Determine common triggers and risk factors of an asthma attack. (SIGS 6.4a)
    RF: family hx, allergy hx, young age; Trigger: Allergic (environmental, etc); Non-allergic (cold air, exercise, infection, Aspirin, stress)
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  • Describe integrative approaches to asthma (Sigs 6.4a)
    Avoid triggers, mindfulness, yoga, 4-7-8 breathing, meditation, Med. diet, anti-inflamm. diet
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  • Describe how the normal gross and microscopic anatomy of the airway is altered during an asthma attack. (SIGS 6.4a)
    incr. mucus production, goblet cells, leukocyte infiltration (mast cell, eosinophil, lymphocyte, neutrophil), smooth cell hyperplasia/hypertrophy, thickened BM
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  • Explain how inhaled corticosteroids and short-acting beta 2 agonists reduce asthma symptoms. (Sigs Case 6.4a)
    binds glucocorticoid receptors in lungs-> affects gene transcription (decr. inflam. genes; incr. anti-inflam. genes); B2 agonists-> incr. cAMP-> bronchodilate
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  • Explain the relationship of pulmonary perfusion to ventilation. How is this altered in a PE?(SIGS 6.4b)
    PP: measurement of how much blood is pumped through lungs to alveoli for gas exchange; PE blocks/reduces supply; air movement still occurs--> VQ mismatch
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  • What is the significance of D-dimer elevation in the formation and diagnosis of PE.(Sigs Case 6.4b)
    indicates clots are forming and breaking somewhere; highly sensitive, not specific to PE/DVT (must be coupled w/ suspicion of PE)
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  • Explain how pulmonary hypertension increases the pressure/afterload on the right side of the heart. (SIGS 6.4b)
    normally very low pressure/resistance; emboli blocks flow from RV--> resistance increases--> inc. afterload on RV (needs more work to contract against resist)
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  • Describe how cor pulmonale can result in right-sided heart failure. (SIGS 6.4b)
    cor pul.->RV work harder->enlargement & thickening of RV (remodeling)-> contraction decreased-> conduction path stretched-> V. arrhythmia-> Vfib-> RHF
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  • Explain how low oxygen levels can alter the electrical and mechanical functions of the heart.(Sigs Case 6.5a)
    Low O2-> ischemia of heart myocardium-> decrease in contractility (LV)-> reduces CO, increased preload-> ecc. hypertrophy-> dilation-> systolic dysfunction-> HF
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  • Explain how CO2, pH, Temp., and 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (DPG) or biphosphoglycerate (BPG) would shift the hemoglobin saturation curve and how this affects tissue oxygenation.(Sigs Case 6.5a)
    Right shift: tissue oxygenation increased; Left shift: holds onto oxygen
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  • Describe the effects of CO on hemoglobin and the hemoglobin saturation curve. (SIGS 6.5a)
    CO binds hemoglobin w/ 240x affinity than O2 (competitively inhibits)--> curve shift to left--> bound O2 won't release
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  • Differentiate between oxyhemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin. (SIGS 6.5a)
    Carboxyhemoglobin: carbon monoxide (240x affinity vs oxygen) & hemoglobin; oxyhemoglobin: oxygen & hemoglobin
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  • What are the challenges with treating Klebsiella pneumoniae? (Sigs Case 6.5b)
    facultative anaerobe (can be w/wout oxygen); resistant to ampicillin; spread from lungs = dangerous superbug; Community + Hospital acquired
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  • Contrast the risk factors, clinical presentation, evaluation, and complications of viral and bacterial upper respiratory infections (URIs). (SIGS 6.5b)
    V: supportive care, dry cough, lower temp., bilateral +; B: antibiotics, productive cough (+mucus), acute onset, higher temp; unilateral +
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  • What are the elements of the CURB-65 Scale and what is it used for? (SIGS 6.5b)
    Confusion, BUN, RR, BP, age >65; criteria for inpatient vs. outpatient vs. ICU treatment of CAP
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  • Identify confirmatory biochemical reactions for bacterial respiratory pathogens. (SIGS 6.5b)
    Urease (Klebsiella is +), Catalase, Agar, Gram stain, Hemataglutination (anti-HA antibodies: HPIV)
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