Game Preview


  •  English    25     Public
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  • State THREE daily activities which involved PUSH and PULL force 列举出三个在日常生活中有涉及推和拉力的动作
    Opening a door, Pressing a switch, Opening a can food, Opening a car door, Opening a drawer
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  • State SIX types of FORCE 列举出六种力
    Buoyant force, Elastic force, Frictional force, Normal force, Weight, Gravitational force
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  • How do we measure force? By using a.......... 我们如何测量力的存在?使用......
    Spring balance (by reading the scale on the balance)
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  • The S.I unit of force.力的国际标准单位是......
    Newton (N)
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  • An object with a mass of 1kg has a weight of ( ) N.
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  • The densities of materials. Show the highest dense and less dense material from the list. 图表显示材料和其密度。写出最高密度和最低密度的材料。
    Highest dense: Gold 19.3 g/ml ; less dense: Cork 0.26 g/ml
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  • First Class Lever (State the position of the Effort, Fulcrum and Load) 第一类杠杆(说明力点,支点和重点的位置)
    Fulcrum is between load and effort
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  • State a type of force acting on a duck. 鸭子施加的一种力是........
    Buoyant force
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  • What are the factors affecting pressure? 什么因素会影响压力
    Surface area and force
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  • What is the type of force when an object is in contact with a surface?当一个物体碰触在一个表面上时,产生了什么力?
    Normal force
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  • Show the arrow of the Weight and Buoyant force on the object. 画出箭头显示物体的重力和浮力位置。
    Weight: Arrow DOWN; Buoyant force: Arrow UP
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  • A lever is a (simple machine, complex machine) that helps us to do work easily. 杠杆帮助我们减轻工作量和负担,杠杆是什么机械?
    Simple machine
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  • Name the CLASS OF LEVER for Hoe and Fork. 锄头和叉子属于哪种杠杆类?
    Third Class Lever
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  • Name the CLASS OF LEVER for Stapler and Hole Puncher. 订书机和打洞机属于哪种杠杆类?
    Second Class Lever
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  • Name the CLASS OF LEVER for Baseball Bat. 球棒属于哪种杠杆类?
    Third Class Lever
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  • Name the force that causes the tomato to fall. 番茄掉下来,施用什么力?
    Gravitational force
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