Game Preview

T4 Planning 4 Review

  •  English    20     Public
    Language checkpoint: Unit 6 - Student's Book, pages 80 and 81.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> If I were you, I _____ (NOT EAT) that!
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  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> I would've prepared something special for dinner, if I _____ (KNOW) you were coming.
    I would've prepared something special for dinner, if I KNEW you were coming. (THIRD CONDITIONAL)
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  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> If she had told me your number, I _____ (CALL) you last night.
    If she had told me your number, I WOULD HAVE CALLED you last night. (THIRD CONDITIONAL)
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  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> If you multiply two by five, the answer _____ (BE) ten.
    If you multiply two by five, the answer IS ten. (ZERO CONDITIONAL)
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  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> _____ you _____ (GIVE) Matt this message if you see him tomorrow?
    WILL you GIVE Matt this message if you see him tomorrow? (FIRST CONDITIONAL)
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  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> I would have had a good time I _____ (GO) out last night.
    I would have had a good time I HAD GONE out last night. (THIRD CONDITIONAL)
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  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> If you find it, _____ you _____ (TELL) me?
    If you find it, WILL you TELL me? (FIRST CONDITIONAL)
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  • Put the verb in the correct form + which type of conditional is it? --> I _____ (GET) some food if I had any money.
    I WOULD GET some food if I had any money. (SECOND CONDITIONAL)
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  • Rewrite the sentence using the words given --> They'll let you in, but only if you have your ID card (PROVIDING THAT)
    They will let you in PROVIDING THAT you have your ID card.
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  • Rewrite the sentence using the words given --> Take your mobile phone because you may need to call me. (IN CASE)
    Take your mobile phone IN CASE you need to call me.
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  • Rewrite the sentence using the words given --> We will win the match if we do our best. (PROVIDED)
    We will win the match PROVIDED we do our best.
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  • Rewrite the sentence using the words given --> They wouldn't need Danny in the team except if someone was ill. (UNLESS)
    They won't need Danny in the team UNLESS someone is ill.
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  • Rewrite the sentence using the words given --> We'll be able to make sandwiches if Kate remembers to bring the bread. (AS LONG AS)
    We'll be able to make sandwiches AS LONG AS Kate remembers to bring the bread.
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  • Rewrite the sentence using the words given --> You won't finish in time if you don't hurry. (UNLESS)
    You won't finish in time UNLESS you hurry.
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  • Make a sentence with I WISH for this situation --> You aren't fit but you would like to be. / I wish ______
    I wish I WERE FIT.
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  • Make a sentence with I WISH for this situation --> Your sister always takes a long time in the bathroom. / I wish my sister ______
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