Game Preview


  •  English    12     Public
    Decide which happened first between the two sentences
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  • The girl got hurt OR The girl fell off her bike. (USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, the girl fell off her bike. THEN she got hurt.
  •  15
  • Mom cooked dinner OR We all ate the yummy dinner. (USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, Mom cooked dinner. THEN, we all ate the yummy dinner.
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  • The caterpillar was in a cocoon OR A beautiful butterfly flew away. (USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, The caterpillar was in a cocoon. THEN, a beautiful butterfly flew away.
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  • It started raining outside OR The sky got very cloudy. (USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, The sky got very cloudy. THEN, it started raining outside.
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  • My dad planted seeds in our garden OR Plants started to grow. (USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, my dad planted seeds in our garden. THEN, plants started to grow.
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  • I swam in the ocean at the beach OR My family packed up everything to take to the beach.(USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, my family packed up everything to take to the beach. THEN, I swam in the ocean at the beach.
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  • I brushed my teeth OR I fell asleep in the bed.(USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, I brushed my teeth. THEN, I fell asleep in the bed
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  • We built a huge snowman OR Our snowman melted.(USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, we built a huge snowman. THEN, our snowman melted
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  • I colored my picture using all of the colorful crayons OR My picture looked beautiful. 
    FIRST, I colored my picture using all of the colorful crayons. THEN, my picture looked beautiful.
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  • We ate my delicious birthday cake OR My friends sang happy birthday to me and I blew out the candles.(USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, my friends sang happy birthday to me and I blew out the candles. THEN, we ate my delicious birthday cake.
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  • We put the cookies in the oven to bake OR We mixed all the cookie ingredients together.(USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, We mixed all the cookie ingredients together. THEN, we put the cookies in the oven to bake.
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  • We cleaned up the dishes from the table OR We ate dinner.(USE FIRST AND THEN)
    FIRST, We ate dinner. THEN, we cleaned up the dishes from the table.
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