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Unit 6A SIGS Review

  •  English    20     Public
    Unit 6A SIGS Cases; Cardio and Pulm
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  • What is the MOA of diltiazem?
    Class IV antiarrhythmic Ca2+ blocker used for rate control
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  • What type of heart block involves the His-Purkinje system?
    2nd Degree Mobitz II, and 3rd degree
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  • S3 gallop implies ______ hypertrophy
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  • Ms. Howard has CHF due to excessive alcohol use. She is given furosemide, thiamine, digoxin, and spironolactone. Which have mortality benefit?
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  • BNP is the ventricular response to increased pressure and volume of the ventricles. What effect does it have at the kidney?
    Decrease Na+/H20 resorption. However it is overpowered by RAAS
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  • Where is the chapman point for the heart?
    R anterior 2nd intercostal space along the sternal border
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  • What is the difference between creatine kinase and creatinine?
    Creatinine = renal function; CK = muscle damage
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  • What does colchicine do?
    Colchicine can be used in pericarditis/myocarditis to reduce neutrophil migration to inflammed sites
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  • What is Buerger's test and what is it used for?
    Lift lower leg 15-30° --> pale, lower the leg --> rubor. Used to test for leg ischemia
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  • What is the ankle-brachial index and what is it used for?
    Indicates the compressibility of vessels. If ABI <0.90 --> peripheral artery Dz. May underestimate severity, and DM/CKD Pts may have false ↑ of ABI
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  • What does asymmetric dimethyl arginine (AMDA) do? Hint: Peripheral artery Dz
    competitively inhibits nitric oxide synthase -/-> vasodilation
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  • Why might we find bilateral palpable dorsalis pedis pulses during acute DVT in the femoral vein?
    DVT in vein, dorsalis pedis pulses are in arteries
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  • Likely cause of syncope in young male with cresendo-decrescendo systolic murmur along left sternal border w/o carotid radiation?
    Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
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  • What is the primary mitral valve abronmality in HOCM?
    Systolic anterior motion of mitral valve, leaflet elongation
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  • ID the most likely etiologic agent in 62 y/o F with pneumonia, T=104°F, pleuritic chest pain, rust colored sputum. Cultures show α-hemolysis.
    Streptococcus pneumoniae
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  • ID the most likely etiologic agent in 49 y/o F with fever and pleuritic chest pain. Exam reveals apical systolic murmur, splinter hemorrhages in fingernails. Hx of IV drug abuse. Culture reveals ß-hemolysis gram pos coccus
    Staphalococcus areus
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