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US History A Unit 2 Review

  •  English    21     Public
    Unit 2 Quiz Review
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  • This is the first Spanish colonial settlement. St. Augustine or Santa Fe
    St. Augustine
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  • The primary economic interest of the French and Dutch colonists was fur trading. True or False?
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  • This included limited terms of servitude in exchange for passage to the colonies as well as food and shelter. Slavery or Indentured Servitude
    Indentured Servitude
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  • The Middle Passage was not part of the triangular trade system that developed between England and the colonies. True or False?
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  • This was established to prevent potential lost profits for Great Britain by controlling colonial trade. Navigation Acts or Salutary Neglect
    Navigation Acts
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  • Under mercantilism, the colonies were expected to provide raw materials and markets for the 'mother country'. True or False?
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  • Which of the following was not the biggest cause of Native American deaths during the colonial era? European diseases or warfare with Europeans?
    Warfare with Europeans
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  • Which of the following is true for both the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening? Based on reason or questioned traditional authority.
    Both questioned traditional authority
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  • The Algonquian natives had a tolerable relation with the French due to their trade relationship. True or False?
    True - also helped the Algonquian with weapons to fight the Iroquois
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  • This was the first elected representative gov't in the colonies - began in Virginia. The House of Burgesses or the English Bill of Rights?
    The House of Burgesses
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  • The Chesapeake colonies (Middle Colonies) focused on religion rather that economics. True or False?
    False - New England (Northern)focused on religion
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  • The established the idea that the king was subject to the law just as other citizens. House of Burgesses or Magna Carta
    Magna Carta
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  • Increased restrictions on slaves resulted from slave uprisings such as the Stono Rebellion. True or False?
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  • The Middle Passage is known as the most devastating part of Triangular Trade that developed between Gt. Britain and the colonies. True or False?
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  • This is defined as a split between European Christians. Glorious Revolution or the Protestant Reformation?
    Protestant Reformation
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  • As part of the battle between European Protestants and Catholics, the Spanish Armada is considered an official was between Spain and England
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