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City of Ember vocahulary chapter 10

  •  English    9     Public
    What does tne word mean? Make your pattner guess the word!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Relentlessly
    Not relaxed because of anxiety or boredom
  •  15
  • Blearily
    with eyes that are red or have tears in them so you cannot see clearly, because you are tired or have just woken up
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  • Methodically
    In a orderly way
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  • Shuddering
    To tremble or shake
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  • Proceed
    Begin or continue a course of action
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  • Misfortunes
    Bad luck
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  • Sauntering
    To walk in a slow, relaxed way
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  • Dismay
    feeling of unhappiness and disappointment
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  • Hunkering
    to make yourself comfortable in a place or situation, or to prepare to stay in a place or position for a long time, usually in order to achieve something
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