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Sound Wave Form 2

  •  English    16     Public
    The summary of Sound wave
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  • A sound that is repeated because the sound wave reflected or bounced back from a distant object.
  •  20
  • An increase in amplitude will result in volume going down. True or False?
    False. It will go up
  •  15
  • How high or low a sound is called the ....
  •  20
  • You can hear a scream in outer space. True or False?
    False, Sound wave need medium
  •  15
  • The speed of sound travels SLOWEST in which medium?
  •  15
  • The speed of sound travels FASTEST in which medium?
  •  15
  • Sound is caused by ...
  •  15
  • Unit of measurement of frequency
  •  15
  • Sound waves need to travel through a medium, or material. True or False?
  •  15
  • Sound navigation and ranging-which measures the time it takes for sound to travel to the ocean bottom and back.
  •  15
  • Human can hearing range
    20 - 20,000Hz
  •  20
  • a picture of the human body using ultrasound
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  • Whai is a system that uses reflected sound waves to detect and locate objects underwater
    Sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging)
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  • sounds range in which humans can hear
    20-20000 hertz
  •  20
  • What is a vacuum?
    A space where no particles of matter exist
  •  20
  • What is an electronic device used to visualize sound waves?
    Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
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