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Word Study: Summer Academy

  •  English    27     Public
    parts of language
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Define the prefix "ante-"
    in front of, before
  •  15
  • Antique, Antebellum, Anticipate all have the prefix "ant" Explain why this makes sense.
    "Ant" and "Ante" can be defined as happening "before" something 
  •  15
  • Define the root "cog"
    to know
  •  15
  • Incognito, Recognize, and Cognition all have to do with being known. Why does this make sense?
    All words have the root "cog" which means "to know" or "to learn"
  •  15
  • Define the suffix "-age"
    the result of an action, to collect
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  • a Carriage, a Package, and Sewage all relate to collecting some thing. What do the words have in common?
    The suffix "-age"
  •  15
  • Define the prefix "a-"
    to go on or in something OR to be without
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  • Aboard, Atypical, Atheist all being with prefix "a-". Why does this make sense with its definition?
    "a-" means to go on something (aboard), or to be without (atypical, atheist)
  •  15
  • Define the prefix "co-"
    to be together or with
  •  15
  • Based on your knowledge of "co-", Cooperate, Cohabitate, Coalition would all relate because _____?
    being part of something with others
  •  15
  • The root "vita" means "life, alive". List 2 words with this root.
    Vital, Revitalize, Vitality, Vitamin, etc.
  •  15
  • The suffix "-cide" means "to kill" . List 2 words with this suffix.
    Pesticide, Germicide, Homicide, Genocide, etc.
  •  15
  • The prefix "hyper-" means "over, above, or excessive". List 2 words with this prefix.
    Hypertension, Hyperextension, Hyperactive, Hypervigilant, etc.
  •  15
  • The prefix "hypo-" means "below, less than normal" . List 2 words with this prefix.
    Hypothesis, Hypothermia, Hypochondriac, Hypoactive, etc.
  •  15
  • The root "spec" means "to see or look" . List 2 words with this root.
    Spectacle, Spectator, Respect, etc.
  •  15
  • The root "vid" and "vis" mean "to look or see" . List 2 words with this root.
    Videos, Visual, Visualize, Revision, etc.
  •  15