Game Preview


  •  English    10     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is movement?
    The change of position of abody caused by a force
  •  15
  • What causes a movement?
    A force
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  • What is the force of the Earth?
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  • What are 2 forces human can do?
    Pull and Push
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  • What is speed?
    The relationship between distance and time
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  • What is accelaration?
    Change in speed
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  • What is the importance of speed limits?
    Security, preventing accidents...
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  • What happens when people dont respect speed limits?
    Accidents can happen
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  • Which are the 2 types of accelarion?
    increase and decrease in speed
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  • What type of energy is movement?
    Kinetic energy
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