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Ch5 Review

  •  English    23     Public
    A trip through geologic time
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What information do scientists infer from fossils?
    How organisms and environments have changed over time
  •  15
  • Why do geologists use the geologic time scale?
    Because the time span of Earth's past is so great
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  • What are the three divisions of time between Precambrian Time and the present called?
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  • What are eras subdivided into?
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  • How do scientists think that the Earth formed?
    They think it began as a ball of dust, rock ,and ice in space that was pulled together by gravity
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  • During which era did reptiles spread widely?
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  • During which era did mammals evolve to live in many different environments?
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  • What is a comet?
    A ball of dust, gas, and ice that orbits the sun
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  • What is an invertebrate?
    An animal without a backbone
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  • What is a vertebrate
    An animal with a back bone
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  • What is an amphibian?
    A vertebrate that spends part of its life in the water and part of its life on land
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  • What is a reptile?
    A vertebrate that has scaly skin and lays eggs with tough, leathery shells
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  • What is a mass extinction?
    When many types of living things become extinct at the same time
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  • What is a mammal?
    A vertebrate that can control its body temperature and feeds milk to its young
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  • How did scientists develop the geologic time scale?
    By studying rock layers and index fossils
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  • What is the first major division of geologic time?
    Precambrian time
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