Game Preview

Unit 1: Bringing Dreams to Life

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  •  English    23     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What's the meaning of "catch up on"?
    (phrasal v) to do something to get back on schedule after falling behind
  •  15
  • What's "constantly"?
    (adv) happening all the time, continuously
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  • What's to "settle down"?
    (phrasal v) locate and establish (oneself, one's family)
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  • What's the meaning of "wealth"?
    (n) a large amount of money and property
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  • What's an "investor"?
    (n) a person who puts money into a business idea or activity in the hopes of making more money if the idea is successful
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  • What's to "run a business"?
    (v phrase) manage or control a company or business
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  • What's "overnight success"?
    (n phrase) someone or something that becomes very successful in a very short period of time
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  • What's striking?
    (adj) immediately noticeable, usually in a positive or good sense
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  • What's to estimate?
    (v) figure the approximate (not exact) amount or extent of
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  • What's "bankruptcy"?
    (n) the legal state of being without money
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  • What's to overlap?
    (v) to be similar
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  • What's "humble"?
    (adj) modest, not rich
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  • What's the meaning of "infinite"?
    (adj) limitless, endless
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  • What's "revenue"?
    (n)money from a business, earnings, income
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  • What's a "sequel"?
    (n) a book, movie, etc. that continues the story of a previous one
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  • What's the meaning of "peak"?
    (n) point of greatest success
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