Game Preview


  •  English    16     Public
    Ice breaking game about fitness and health
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Have you ever buy slimming product?
    I guess at one point, we all did. hahaha
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  • Have you ever buy gym membership but didn’t go for 6 months?
    ................(cricket sound)
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  • Have you ever try any kind of diet?
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  • Have you ever do 30 days plank challenge?
    Does 30days over the duration of 3 years counts?
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  • Have you ever try to achieve 10 k steps a day?
    Good one! Good try!
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  • Have you ever buy exercise equipment but never use?
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  • Have you ever been without sugar drinks for 30days?
    Give me "some" sugar, they say..
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  • Do you wake up at 5am daily to exercise?
    Maybe as a kid, wake up and exercise like in the pic? hahaha
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  • how many litres of water do you consume per day?
    Ahhhhhh.. let me think....(still thinking...did I gave the correct amount)?
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  • How do you cope with stress?
    I am the God Father of Stress, I don't Cope, I LIVE STRESS.
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  • Do you repeat your health goal and how often do you do that?
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  • Do you have a health goal?
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  • Do you prefer cardio or weight lifting? for both??
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  • Why your health is very important?
    Don't give text book answer ya, ask your heart.
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  • When was your last medical check up?
    Do it on every birthday and you'll never forget.
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  • What is your ideal Healthy Lifestyle?
    Everyone is Different. No judgment, no comparison.
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