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Text Analysis in Translation & Untranslatability

  •  English    8     Public
    Text Analysis in Translation & Untranslatability
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  • What is the role and function of source text analysis?
    Possible relationships between source and target text & phases of the translation process
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  • How many types of untranslatability?
    2 types that is: Linguistics Untranslatability & Cultural Untranslatability
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  • What does Catford say about Untranslatability?
    Catford (1965) say about Untranslatability: "Failure to find a TL equivalent is due entirely to deerences between the source language and the TL" (p. 98)
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  • How to solve untranslatability?
    Translators deal with untranslatability by a number of procedures, these include: adaptation, borrowing, calque, compensation, paraphrase, and translator's note
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  • What are the text analysis and translation process ?
    Genre and text types
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  • What is the purpose of text analysis?
    The purpose of text analysis is to create structured data out of free text content
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  • What is the definition about borrowing?
    Borrowing is a translation procedure where by the translator uses a word or expression from the source text in the target text unmodified
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  • What does Newmark say about analysis of a text?
    Newmark say: analysis of a text is a procedure in which the translator must read the text, find out the intentions of the text, text syles, and readership
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