Game Preview


  •  English    11     Public
    Recap what we have learn in previous week
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is our ground rules?
    No judgement, no competition , you are unique , have fun
  •  15
  • What is primary colours?
    Red, blue, yellow
  •  15
  • What happen when you mix white+red
  •  15
  • How to get the colour green?
    Blue and yellow
  •  15
  • what is this?
    palette and brush
  •  15
  • How do you get this colour?
    Blue and red
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  • what happen if you mix all the colours?
    Ba ba ba ba blackkkkkkkk
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  • Why do we need to wash or soak our brush in water immediately after use?
    It will harden and spoil
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  • What happen when you add white to a colour?
    It become lighter
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  • what happen when you add black to a colour?
    Try and see what you get?
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  • What is the End Goal of our Art class?
    HAVE FUN LA...
  •  15