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  •  English    11     Public
    Recap: What is Identity, Rules, Laws, Responsibilities and Roles
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  • What is Identity?
    Identity is what makes us who we are. It includes out likes, dislikes, looks, beliefs, etc.
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  • What are the types of Identity we can have?
    Individual Identity and Group Identity
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  • What makes our group identity?
    Community, common likes/dislikes, Religion, family name, Nationality, etc
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  • What does protect mean?
    To keep safe
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  • What does uniqueness mean?
    One of a kind/ No copies
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  • What does Roles mean?
    The part that we play
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  • What does responsibilities mean?
    What you are required to do
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  • Why are rights important?
    Rights allow us to do things freely and makes things equal for everyone.
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  • What are laws?
    Laws are the official rule of a country.
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  • Why are laws important?
    Laws help to protect us and our rights
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  • List some characteristics of individual identity
    Looks, gender, age, name, likes, dislikes, etc
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